How the Brain Processes Information: The Information Processing Model
Now that we have learnt the different parts of the brain and their
function (here) and the structure of a brain cell or neuron (here), this post is
intended to explain a model of how the brain processes new information. By
knowing this process, you will be able to know how to manage and optimise your
The brain receives information from the environment. The
environment around us has stimulus. For example someone talking to us is a
stimulus. A book that we read is a stimulus. Our senses such as hearing and
sight receive these stimuli from the environment and pass them on to the brain.
Different parts of the brain process these information in seconds and also simultaneously.
But during this processing some information is lost, some is retained and
stored. So what happens between receiving the information from the environment
through to losing and/or retaining it.
Before I explain each part the information is passed through, scan
this image and note the path of the information from the environment to the
senses, then to the immediate memory, over to the working memory and finally to
the long term storage.

The information passes through hurdles such as cognitive overloads and some is lost, some is retained and stored. I will explain each station in this model below.
The senses constantly collect tens of thousands of bits of information from the environment every second, even while we sleep. For instance, the nerve endings on your skin detect the clothes you are wearing. Your ears pick up sounds around you. Your eyes are reacting to this reading as you move across the lines. Put all these data together and it becomes huge each second that the brain has to deal with. The information detected by our senses is passed along the neural path in the form of electrical impulses to the brain. This is called sensory register and the information stays here very briefly - less than a second. It is called sensory memory.
The sense memory is between the senses and the brain stem (here). Sensory register takes place in the brain stem. The stem passes this information to the thalamus which quickly screens all these data and determines their importance and filters the incoming
information. Some information deemed important is passed on to other relevant
parts of the brain for due process, while unimportant information is dropped
out and is forgotten. But how is the important and unimportant information sorted?
Deciding on which information is important or unimportant depends
on the 1) relevancy of the information, 2) the need of the information and/or 3)
the link to the previously stored information. If you have previous knowledge
of the information, it means the information is strongly linked with your previous
experience and likely to be retained. Similarly if the person needs to learn
the information to apply it on something, it is more likely important. However
if the information is irrelevant or makes no sense (no previous experience/information)
then that is unimportant and is likely to be forgotten in seconds.

Information that the senses have registered to the central part of
the brain, if important becomes part of the immediate memory. Immediate memory
operates subconsciously or consciously and holds data for about 30 seconds. In
the model it is shown as a clip board which means that the information is put
here very briefly until a decision is made either to pass it further or dispose
it off. Within this time frame if the information is not important is dropped
out of the processing system. For instance you can remember a phone number for
as long as you need it. When you make the call and don’t need it anymore, you
forget it. This is immediate memory.
When something reaches to working memory that means it is
important and we focus it and pay attention to it. The working memory is most
important to understand a topic or concepts. The working memory structures and
processes the information by working on it. It is like a working
table (as shown in the model). Here we can build, or break down or rework ideas.
Working memory works in coordination with the immediate and the long term memory. Information is processed and stays in
the working memory for different time depending on your age. For preadolescents
it is about 5-10min, for adolescent and adult about 10-20 minutes. However
sometime we have question in the working memory which remains unresolved for
days and the brain keeps working on it seeking a solution. If this unresolved information
is important, it interrupts with our processing of other information. It is
generally called preoccupation. When a person is not able to listen properly or
understand your instructions that means the person’s brain is preoccupied with
something unresolved.
Working memory has limited capacity. That means that working
memory can handle only a few items at a time. But the capacity increases with
age. Children have smaller capacity than adults. For instance preschool kids
can deal with only 1-2 item at once, adolescents from 3-5
items, adults 3-9 items. However this is not as simple. Having previous
knowledge about a topic can greatly increase the capacity of the working
knowledge. The environment, interest in the topic and grooming effects handling
information here.
Once the information is well worked with in the working memory, it
is passed onto long term memory. Now, and again, all information from the
working memory is not passed on, rather some are forgotten. What information
goes out? Well, when the information is too complicated for you; when you
cannot link it to the long term memory (lack of previous information); or when
there are more items one can handle at a time – this is called cognitive
overload. The capacity of working memory can be increased with strategies like
chunking or breaking down information into simple and smaller pieces - it is called scaffolding in teaching. In scaffolding, information
is made more easily associated with each other to avoid confusion.
Working memory has a very important role in teaching and learning. Its
implications for teaching and learning will be discussed in a new post.
So information that has gained value and understanding is stored.
When it is stored, that mean the information made sense and gives meaning. In
the picture long term storage is represented with file cabinets – places where
information is kept in some type of order. Piaget (a great psychologist –
details post later) calls these files schemata or packs of information. If we
receive some information form the environment and it relates to our schemata, it
makes sense quickly. However we need to be careful that all memories are not so
neatly grouped, some memories can overlap or spread all over the place.
In the brain, it is the hippocampus we discussed (here) that is responsible to work on the information and send it to one
or more long-term storage area. The encoding process is time consuming and it
usually takes place during deep sleep. It is a good idea to revise the
important information while you are in bed trying to sleep. One, it will put
you into sleep and second, it will store the information in the long term
memory. Information storage does not take place immediately after a lesson.
Research shows that great loss of newly acquired information or skill takes
place within the first 18-24 hours’ time. So it is better idea to take test
after 24 hours have passed. If you are unable to recall the information after
one day, the probability is that it is not stored in the long term memory.
Long term memory is not a closed cabinet. It is a moving memory, dynamic and
interactive. It interacts with the working memory and the sense registry. It is open to changes and stimulus from the environment.
That’s what is called growth mindset (read about growth mindset here). Hence information from the
environment received by our senses is passed onto immediate memory, then to the
working memory and finally the long term memory but during this process some
information is lost and can’t reach to the long term memory.
Robert Stahl of Arizona State University presented this model in
the early 1980s. Although the model is a very simple system of processing
information, the brain’s work is more complex. Many information are processed
quickly and simultaneously taking different pathways. The brain is open system continuously
interacting with the physical and social world around it. The electrical patterns change corresponding with the new
learning. The cells also behave unpredictable. Each neuron is active
and is altered by experiences. As you read this post, your neurons are
interacting with each other, forming, re-forming and sometimes dissolving
storage sites. Emotions
play an important role in information processing, comprehension and creativity
as well. Hence the brain information processing is more complex than this model
shows. Nevertheless, this is one model among many and is one piece of the
puzzle of the complex activity of the brain and by knowing this information, you
can improve your learning. The next post will discuss the implication of
information process model for teaching.
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