On Disposition

Natural sciences define 5 senses as: sense of taste, smell, sight, hearing and touch. But in social life one has more than these senses like: Sense of necessity Sense of duty Sense of direction Sense of reality Sense of balance Sense of beauty Common sense Sens of sacred Tactical sense Sense of responsibility Business sense Sense of property Sense of humor Sense of limit Sense of honor and so on. This means social science has senses beyond what natural science defines. In social science this is a disposition: a tendency, a propensity, mood or inclination to act in certain ways in a given situation. These dispositions influence social interaction, life activities, human actions and thinking and the overall attitude towards life. People acquire these senses either naturally and/or through their interaction with people. Some senses, for example sense of humor is sometimes natural, sometimes acquired in family or friends' company. Sim...