The Scope and Pace of Education Reform

Educational change is usually thought to be creating stress and fatigue given that there are many reforms at one time or are frequent in occurrence. However it is not only the quantity and/or frequency of the reforms that matter but also how wide/broad the reform is and its pace. It is important to analyse the scope and pace of the reform in order for it to be implemented well. The scope of any reform can be examined by analyzing the existing practices and adapting to the changing demands of the reform. For example in one school a national curriculum reform is in its implementation stages for the last 4-5 years. By analyzing how this school managed the enactment of the reform, it is evident that the school did not give up its existing practices, programs and structure. This school adopted to the change by putting it into their existing structure. This means that this school is positively biased towards their old system and are being able to pick and choose from the new refo...